Due to changes and increased pressure we are experiencing in the provision of care in our NHS GP Practice, we will be offering travel vaccinations provided by the NHS only.
As part of our NHS general medical services, we can provide vaccinations against Polio (Polio vaccination is combined with Diptheria and Tetanus), Cholera, Hepatitis A and typhoid (if your travel risk assessment advises these for your travel itinerary).
A private travel clinic will be able to advise you on non-NHS vaccinations should you require these vaccinations and advise of malaria protection if needed. Antimalarial medication is available to purchase over the counter at most pharmacies, and antimalarial medication for children can be purchased from a private travel clinic.
Patients who plan to travel abroad are now recommended to seek travel advice online. There are several online travel advice providers available to consult: NaTHNaC (travelhealthpro.org.uk) and Fit For Travel (www.fitfortravel.nhs.uk).
If your travel abroad is work-related, you will need to go through the Occupational Health Department associated with your place of work for travel advice, administration of vaccinations, or go to a private travel clinic through your employer.
Before you travel, it is your responsibility to find out whether you will need vaccinations for the country you are visiting. Please note we require 6 weeks notice for travel vaccinations where your travel questionnaire will be assessed, and you will be contacted to arrange an appointment.
Please complete the Travel Questionnaire below.