Update from Bracknell Forest Council
If you require a clinical waste collection, please make sure you are registered by email, rather than a letter through the post.
Clinical Waste registration form
The template for letters of authorisation will still need to be filled out with the details of the resident. However, we ask that the letter is filled out electronically and attached to an email alongside of a brief explanation as to why the resident requires a clinical waste collection.
Please note that incontinence pads, sanitary materials, disposable nappies and dressings from non-infectious wounds are not regarded as clinical waste and can be placed in the green domestic refuse bin as general waste. If you require a second green domestic refuse bin for this waste you can apply for one online https://www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/bins-and-recycling/forms/make-green-bin-enquiry or by calling customer services on 01344 352000.